BeoVox 3702 Passive Loudspeaker

BeoVox Loudspeaker

Production: 1972 - 1975

Beovox 3702 Type 6244 was a high-fidelity pressure chamber loudspeaker with high specifications and intermediate power handling capacity.

It was a three-unit loudspeaker system, which means that the entire frequency range was covered by three separate units: bass, mid-range and tweeter or treble unit. Its frequency range was 40-20 000 Hz and it had a power handling capacity of up to 40 watts RMS or 75 watts music. Distortion was lower than 1% over the entire range.

The bass unit had a 20cm diameter speaker, the mid-range 8cm, the tweeter 2,5cm. Beovox 3702 met DIN high-fidelity norms.

BeoVox 3702 Passive Loudspeaker technical specifications

Beovox 3700 type 6233

Height (inches): 19,75
Width (inches): 9,9
Depth (inches): 9,9
Weight: 8,5kg
Impedance (ohms): 4
RMS load (W): 40
Music load (W): 75
Frequency response (Hz): 40-20
Harmonic distortion (%): 1
Sensitivity (W): 3
Cabinet volume (Litres): 20
Dispersion (degrees angle): 120
Bass unit: 20cm
Mid-range unit: -
Treble unit: 38mm dome
Crossovers ((Hz): 2K

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