BeoLit 1000

BeoLit Portable Radio

Production: 1968 - 1972

Documents: Schematic, Service Manual

Beolit 1000 (Type 1401) was, at the time of its introduction, the top of the range portable radio from Bang & Olufsen. Compact in design, it crammed into its excellent casing coverage of all four wavebands (FM, LW, AM, 2 x shortwave) and had switchable AFC to ease FM tuning.  Bass and treble controls were incorporated as well as connections for an external tape recorder or record deck, external antenna and extension speaker. It was capable of delivering a very respectable 7,5 watts of power through an external power source (2,5W by internal batteries).

There was a push-button selection of up to three pre-set FM stations, and the radio could be used in a car with a special B&O-designed mounting bracket.

BeoLit 1000 technical specifications

Tuning range: FM 875-108 MHz plus three pro-set stations, LW 857-2040 meters, MW 186-578 meters, SW 65.2-200 and 16-49 meters (with bandspread)

Sensitivity with own aerials: FM 1.7 microvolts for 26 dB signal-to-noise, MW 50 microvolts for 3 dB signal-to-noise

Power output: 2.5 Watts; 7.5 Watts with external power supply (10% distortion)

Inputs: tape or gram. 280 mV, 200,000 Ohms

Outputs: 4 Ohms speaker; 100 mV 27,000 Ohms tape recorder

Power supply: 7.5 Volts (five 1.5 Volt batteries) or special mains or car unit

Dimensions (H x W x D): 201mm x 359 mm and 70 mm

Weight: 3kg

More Bang & Olufsen Items

The brand names Bang & Olufsen, B&O, trade mark and many of the product names and details together with on-site photographs are the property and copyright of Bang & Olufsen. The information on this website is provided only as a guide to Bang & Olufsen collectors and enthusiasts of the marque.

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